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Study Abroad  Barcelona, Spain

How studying abroad impacted me.

"Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world." This quote by Gustav Flaubert perfectly sums up my emotions about my study abroad experience. Although I was only away for five months, this incredible opportunity has continued to have a lasting effect on me. 


It all started on January 7, 2018 when I left to embark on this journey. For me, this was far out of my comfort zone as I had hardly traveled before, let alone by myself. I attended la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona where I took several impactful courses taught by Spanish native professors. Some of these courses included International Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, International Business, and an intensive Spanish language course. These courses allowed me to further develop my passions for business and marketing as well as providing me with a more global perspective and deeper understanding of different people and cultures. 


Outside of the classroom I spent my free time immersing myself in the Spanish and Catalan culture while practicing my Spanish skills with the locals. I also had the opportunity to travel to 13 different countries on the weekends including places such as Andorra and Africa. This semester abroad allowed me to grow in so many ways including personally, academically, and professionally. I attribute my immense growth this past year to this experience. I have learned to be more independent, patient, confident, creative, and now possess a more worldly view in every aspect of my life. Although the traveling and memories are something that will stick with me forever, I came home with so much more than that and that is what truly makes the experience so life-changing for me. 

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